Mandarin Bilingual Holiday Storytime - 510 Families

Mandarin Bilingual Holiday Storytime

NOTE: This date/event is in the past. Keep browsing.

歡迎參加我們的雙語故事時間, 一起慶祝年終佳節!聼故事,唱兒歌,手指謠, 還有做手工,僅此一場,不要錯過了喲! 適合2-6歲幼童。


Join a special Mandarin/English bilingual holiday storytime! Children and their caregivers are invited for a morning of holiday songs and stories, followed by a fun craft. This program is designed for kids ages 2-6 and their caregivers. Meet in the Fukaya Room A & B.

Space is limited. Free tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis and will be distributed at the ticket line located outside the library 15 minutes before the program starts.


Wed December 11, 2024    
11:15 am - 12:00 pm

More Info

Contact: Fremont Library (510) 745-1421


Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA

Event Type

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the activity organizer or venue as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.


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