It happened! The {510} Families Preschool Fair & Playdate in Oakland - 510 Families
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It happened! The {510} Families Preschool Fair & Playdate in Oakland

On Saturday, November 3, 2018, dozens of preschools and early childhood activity providers joined forces to provide East Bay parents with information about fun and learning for their little ones. This special event was full of parents making connections with teachers and other parents, many with toddlers in tow.

We hired Melissa Schmidt from Icarian Photography to take photos of the event. (She is available for family photos, too!)

The Lakeside Park Garden Center is adjacent to both Children’s Fairyland and the Lake Merritt Gardens, both wonderful Oakland destinations for kids.

Lakeside Park Garden Center | photo: Icarian Photography
Parents and activity providers in conversation | Photo: Icarian Photography

In addition to the expo-style room, filled with friendly preschool teachers and parents, an adjacent room offered activities every half-hour, hosted by local organizations. One parent called it, “a showcase of kids activities.” This room was sponsored by Kids Gym Berkeley, and families had a blast learning about new classes they can sign up for.

Bladium offered a Lil’ Kickers sample class.

Bladium’s soccer coach huddles before the class | Photo: Icarian Photography

East Bay Music Together offered a music class with parent participation.

East Bay Music Together showed off their educational materials, too | Photo: Icarian Photography

Berkeley Ballet Theater introduced toddlers to the music, movement, and vocabulary of ballet.

Berkeley Ballet Theater sample class | Photo: Icarian Photography

Grampa Clyde brought his traveling kid’s music experience to our guests.

Grampa Clyde is a fave of East Bay toddlers | Photo: Icarian Photography

Go Mandarin showed us how much fun we can have playing with music and language together.

Go Mandarin
Go Mandarin shared bilingual songs | Photo: Icarian Photography

Parents appreciated learning about so many preschools in an afternoon, as one guest told us afterward.


NEW! We have compiled a list of preschools into an East Bay Preschool Guide, so if you missed the event and need to research schools, have a look at our handy map of local preschools.

This event was produced with support from our sponsors.

East Bay music together

All photos in this post courtesy Icarian Photography

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