Local bloggers to love - 510 Families
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Local bloggers to love

Over the weekend, Heather and I were at the BlogHer conference in San Diego, a meet up of 3500 female bloggers.

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This is an exciting annual tradition in the blog community that involves lots of hugging, free drinks, awkward conversations, educational sessions, and an inspiring curated reading of the best personal blog posts of the year. While the trip there was quick and easy, the road home was long. A four-hour flight delay stranded us in the airport with only a Quiznos and a disgusting pizza place to provide nourishment.

Having been to this conference five times now, we know a fair number of people there. Bloggers range from hobbyists who record and share their daily observations to pros who have turned their blogs into business with sponsorships or consulting work.

Some of the East Bay folks we saw again or met for the first time are:

Looking at this list has made me consider creating a Yahoo Group for East Bay bloggers. Interested?

photo: Glennia on Flickr

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