Music Together review: East Bay baby and toddler music class - 510 Families
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Music Together review: East Bay baby and toddler music class

I received free Music Together classes in order to submit my review but all opinions are my own. And Henry’s, of course.

Families with little ones, have you heard of Music Together? The answer is probably “yes,” although, if you are like me, you may not have gotten around to taking a class yet despite all the parent hype. Henry and I finally took the plunge, meaning that mama finally got her act together to register, and we attended the Music Together Mixed Ages class at Rockridge Danspace.

These are my impressions and opinions after one session and then after a full series.

My opinions about East Bay Music Together after just one session

#1 – Our kids love the songs.

Fact: The songs are catchy. Some you will remember from childhood, others will become part of your second childhood as your little ones will want to sing them with you again and again. I overheard one Mom say that she was excited to get the new Summer Semester CD (tuition includes a song book and 2 CD’s) because her son listened to the Spring Semester CD non-stop, on repeat, all the time.

#2 – The teachers are so cool.

Fact: The teachers are fabulous with many kids getting so attached that they return each semester to learn from the same teacher. Our instructor Claire Gendler has been teaching Music Together since 2009. Passionate about music and kids, she engaged the little crowd right from the first note. Her knowledge about music theory plus her encouragement to adults kept everyone learning and smiling throughout the 45 minute class.

#3 – You’ll be back.

Fact: The class is like an M & M; you can’t take just one. Henry and I will continue this session and at the end give you an update on our future enrollment plans (look for Part 2 in August). One thing I know for sure, Whitney couldn’t resist; read her love letter to Music Together.

My family’s opinions about East Bay Music Together after a full series

Bottom line first
We will definitely be signing up for the next semester. After one class I was not convinced that Henry had much interest in the class, the instruments, the accompanying CD, etc. However, by the end of the third session he started “dancing” (a little knee bop move) when we turned on music at home. He also started “singing.” Not words to a song but a refrain of “la” and “da” that is more melodious then his normal baby babble.

My husband John also noticed a change in Henry both during and after class; while Henry may spend class time wandering the room — which is totally acceptable and common (phew) — he is listening and absorbing the material. When when we play the course CD at home, I can see a recognizable familiarity in his facial expressions. By watching the others in class and his own practice, Henry bangs on his toy instrument kit at home with greater skill.

Details for you:
The Summer Semester of Music Together wrapped up last weekend and the program is now enrolling for Fall Semester. There are three types of classes to choose from in the fall: Music Together Babies, Music Together Mixed Ages, and Music Together Spanish. Classes are offered on weekdays and weekends so that working families also have the opportunity to attend.

New sessions start regularly throughout the year. If you or your little one gets sick during the course of the semester you can schedule a make-up class online.

Both John and I are excited that the Music Together program will lay a good foundation for Henry. As young parents, we also learned a lot too.

I received free Music Together classes in order to submit my review but all opinions are my own (and Henry and John’s, of course). The next sessions I sign up for are on me.

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