New mom challenge: Enjoy modern art - 510 Families
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New mom challenge: Enjoy modern art

The first time, I took my baby to BAM/PFA in Berkeley was the best of times and the worst of times. I enjoyed strolling and rolling around the art exhibits for sure; I loved having a quick lunch in the adjacent art-themed cafe; and I enjoyed time with my girlfriends (AKA moms’ group) with minimal crying fits. That part was all good.

The bad part that is still burned in my memory more than five years later? The drama of parking. I parked in a nearby garage that required navigating steps to get out. How un-Berkeley! Because I was with three friends, we navigated the steps together. But what if I had been alone? On the way back, someone had parked too close to my car, so close in fact, that I couldn’t put my baby’s bucket seat back in the car through any of the four doors. Ugh! Luckily, again, I had a friend with me so she could hang onto my stroller while I backed out. But what if I had had been alone?! That question still plagues me because there is no easy answer when you get parked in.

Ok, but the art? Super fun. The outing? Totally worth doing!

Did you know that both Berkeley Art Museum and Oakland Museum offer free days once per month? If you’re afraid your baby will meltdown necessitating a hasty retreat, try a free day.

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