Twins by the Bay: A support resource for twin parents - 510 Families
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Twins by the Bay: A support resource for twin parents

Twins by the Bay: a Bay Area support group for parents of multiples

Twins by the Bay is a support group and network for new and expectant parents of multiples. Members attend meetings where they will meet other multiple parents, be invited to hear guest speakers (sleep experts!), and access a huge wealth of loaner equipment for travel and home, including preemie-sized clothing.

The club is run by volunteers — all multiple parents themselves — and has an annual consignment sale that is open to the public (which we JUST missed).

There are playdates for parents with little ones, and a tween/teen support group for those with older children.

Daytime support groups and most other meetings take place at Bananas in Oakland.  Anxious about taking your babies out of the house on your own? This is an excellent first outing. The venue is stroller accessible and pre-crawlers are always welcome.

The most valuable part of the support group is the camaraderie, information sharing, and support that comes with spending time with other parents of multiples. Dues are $45 per year and include access to the club’s list serv and a subscription the to Multiples of America newsletter.

Get more info about Twins by the Bay at their website >

photo: Lisa Fontaine

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