Where to donate used kids' stuff - 510 Families
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Where to donate used kids’ stuff

We appreciate this guest post by Berkeley mom, Jennifer Pesetsky. She founded KinderCycle (which is now under new ownership)! Jennifer blogs at www.berkeleymommy.com.

For Hanukkah this year, my toddler agreed that for every present she gets, she’s going to give something that she already has to other children. She was so enthusiastic about this idea, in fact, that she threw all the stuffed animals off her bed saying that she wants all her animals to go to other children including a sock monkey which I had lovingly hand knit for her. We modified the rule a bit so that Scott and I get to approve anything she wants to get rid of.

Getting her buy in seemed to be the easy part.

The hard part is figuring out where all the stuff should go. Here are my thoughts about how to pass on stuff.

Loved Twice takes baby clothes up to 12 months, blankets, hats, socks, bibs and board books. They then distribute these items to babies in need. Bay Area drop off locations are listed on their website.

If you’re willing to ship your stuffed animals, The Teddy Bear Brigade, collects them for use as humanitarian aid and disaster relief in developing countries.

I gotta put in a plug for KinderCycle, the company that I founded and ran until very recently! KinderCycle hosts swap events where families get rid of stuff they are done with and then they get stuff they want including clothes and gear. Head over to www.KinderCycle.org to get the details on their January swap.

Brighter Beginnings is an organization in Oakland that helps families in a variety of ways. What they accept as donations changes depending on what they currently have a lot of. Right now, they are not accepting clothes, but they are accepting car seats that haven’t expired, toys, cribs, books, bathtubs, and potties. Call ahead to make sure you are bringing them stuff that they can use (510) 437-8950.

If you have a bunch of books, you might consider donating them to the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library. Check their website for kinds of books they accept.

The East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse takes donations of all kinds of stuff which they then display for sale in their store from baby food jars to feathers. Their website has a list of what they are currently taking.

If you’re crafty, think about ways to re-use your kids’ stuff. I recently made a cat pillow stuffed with shreds of my daughter’s ripped and stained clothing. Stuffed animals can also make great stuffing for a new crafty project, but you might not want your little one to see the transformation take place!

Thanks so much, Jennifer, for sharing these worthy places to donate our used STUFF so it can go to people who will use it.

[Photo provided by Jennifer of her daughter’s bed before the purge!]


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11 thoughts on “Where to donate used kids’ stuff”

  1. I love donating to ECAP. http://www.yelp.com/biz/emeryville-community-action-program-emeryville

    I just did today as a matter of fact! They take ANYTHING and GIVE it away to folks who are in need. They will also give a receipt for tax purposes. I love that I can donate, kids clothes, my clothes, books (for big and little people), coffee mugs, coffee maker, Christmas decorations… and more all at the same place and they come help you unload your car! I don’t even have to get the kids out 🙂

  2. I just donated a big pile of kid books to the Women’s Daytime Drop-in Center in Berkeley. I called ahead to make sure they could use them and they seemed quite happy to have them.

  3. Thanks for mentioning the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse. In addition to baby food jars, we take toys, games, books, educational supplies, art supplies, and so much. We are here for teachers (but also open to the public), and can offer discounts and free stuff to educators so please continue to spread the word. Another great organization that takes Kids Books is the East Bay Children’s Book Project: http://www.eastbaychildrensbookproject.org/

  4. Bananas in North Oakland on Claremont Ave takes all kinds of kids clothes, toys and gear. They will give you a reciept for taxes if needed.

  5. Pingback: Alameda resale: Lauren’s Closet + Toy Safari

  6. I am a Development Assistant at the San Francisco SPCA. Unfortunately, we no longer accept these items, with the exception of toys specially made for use by dogs; or new toys that do not have easily removed parts (like glass/plastic eyes, bows, clothes, etc).

    Charlene Khoo
    Development Assistant
    San Francisco SPCA
    (415) 554-3029
    [email protected]

  7. I wanted to know if anyone knows of an organization that takes knitted baby hats, especially little ones for preemie babies. let me know.

  8. I would like to donate a nice assortment of used games and books. Please let me know how to proceed.

    Thank you for all your excellent services.

    susan gill

  9. The Davis Street Family Resource Center(3081 Teagarden Street, San Leandro) is another great non-profit organization that accepts donations of items. Their wish list is: “Food, new and gently used clothing, small household items, diapers, hygiene items, feminine products, new toys for our Holiday Program, new school supplies, and backpacks.” Current donation acceptance hours are Monday – Friday, 9am–3pm (or up to 8 pm at the Front Desk, M- TH). The website: http://davisstreet.org/

  10. Hello!
    I am the Program Assistant for Brighter Beginnings. Unfortunately, we no longer accept used car seats or toys.
    Brighter Beginnings is an organization in Oakland that helps families in a variety of ways. What they accept as donations changes depending on what they currently have a lot of. Due to limited storage space, please call ahead to make sure you are bringing them stuff that they can use (510) 437-8950.

    Thank you!

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