Reader tip: Clothes for preemies - 510 Families
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Reader tip: Clothes for preemies

Today is the first World Prematurity Day. After seeing the extensive list of tips for NICU families from Oakland mom Melissa Harris that we published on Rookie Moms, Jennifer P. wrote in to say:


My daughter was a preemie and spent 9 days at the Alta Bates NICU.


Through KinderCycle, I’ve started the preemie box program.  I’m happy to lend preemie boxes of clothes to any family in Alameda county to get them through those first few weeks or months when the baby doesn’t yet fit into 0-3 month clothes and the family doesn’t have capacity to go shopping!!  This is a totally free program – it’s my gift to all the preemies and their families out there.


You can find out more about KinderCycle’s preemie boxes at


Note: Another offer that parents of premature babies should know about is Graham’s Foundation. They will send a care package to any family with an extremely premature baby. Learn more >


Thanks to Melissa and Jennifer for spreading the word about these helpful resources!


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