Sports Basement Berkeley - 510 Families

Sports Basement Berkeley

Sports Basement Berkeley


2727 Milvia Street

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Why is Sports Basement so great for families?

  • Diversity of merchandise from bike helmets and running shoes to children’s fleece jackets and socks. Don’t think Big 5; think REI.
  • Dedicated to our community, this store has fundraisers coming out of it’s ears. Contact them to arrange a special shopping day for your children’s school. They’ll give back a percentage of revenue to your non-profit of choice.
  • Reasonable prices. I bought several items of clothing for myself, all affordably priced.
  • Space. A cement perimeter path enables test drives of jogging strollers, bicycles, and shoes that will make you run faster (if you just believe). A glass elevator takes you upstairs for more shopping in an open balcony.
  • Ski gear leasing. Instead of buying skis they outgrow, Sports Basement will rent your family gear for the entire season.Berkeley Sports Basement

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