Pre-K to 12th After School Class Guide (submissions) - 510 Families

Pre-K to 12th After School Class Guide (submissions)

We love to round up all the local resources that parents need. This insanely useful school-age class guide helps parents of kids ages 5 to 17 find what they’re looking for in in-person, on-site after-school, and weekend extracurricular activities and classes for their children. The guides are based fully searchable so parents can find what they want by how they look for it.

This submission form is for in-person classes and activities for school-age kids, if you are also running classes for littler ones (babies through age 5), we have a different submission form: little kid class submissions.

Important dates for the After School Class & Extracurricular Guide:

  • Submit your information and payment by July 10. We’ll add more throughout the fall. All in-person class entries submitted after the initial deadline will be considered for future updates to the guide on a weekly basis.
  • Publish Date Though updates will be made throughout the school year, this In-person Class Guide will first appear on July 19, 2024.
  • Unpaid listings will be added on a rolling basis beginning in September 2024.

Please fill out this form and select a paid option to be included.

After School Class Guide

Input form for online guide to after-school classes and enrichment for K-12 children in the East Bay.

  • ie Happy Kids Class
  • ie "Meets in the park. Happy Kids Yoga Dance invites K-3rd artists to enjoy circus activities and cooking on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Sessions are 10 weeks long"
  • Please check the category that describes the MAIN themes of your class.
  • East Bay locations where your class is offered. Where YOU are NOT where your customers live. Thanks!
  • Classes for school age children
  • Include amount, expiration date, and promo code.
  • 2024-25 School Age Class Guide Sponsorship Options

    Please consider sponsorship level and upgrades at this time. Carol from will contact you before sending an invoice to confirm the details once you have completed this form. The "After School Class Guide" refers to a web page on that will last all year long and benefit from traffic the website receives.
  • All paid listings include 468x60 pixel display ad, URL, and 40 word program description.

    Would you like to bundle your listing with more advertising on (for a 10% savings)? Sidebar ads appear in rotation with others on every page of Newsletters are sent weekly to approximately 14k local East Bay readers.

    Initial guide placement is based on dollar spent and date of commitment.

    PLEASE NOTE: The minimum invoice is $250.
  • Add more to your bundle and save 10%. We have website sidebar display ads (300x250 pixel), newsletter ads, and featured newsletter photographs with a link to your site.
  • Hidden
    Add more to your bundle and save 10%. We write editorial posts, share social media shout-outs, and have additional display ads with a link to your site.
  • We require .jpg, .gif, or .png file in the proper size. Our design services are available for $50 per ad.
  • If you are ready to go with your art assets for the 468x60 pixel ad, please upload it now. (No animated files, please)

    Ad should be less than 30kb.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 1 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Toddler gymnastics
Head Over Heels Athletic Arts | Photo: Whitney Moss

Thank you again for your interest in reaching our readers with your wonderful class for children! Carol will be in touch real soon.

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