99 Kid-friendly Restaurants in the East Bay
99 kid-friendly restaurants to check out in Oakland and Berkeley from Breakfast for dinner to Mexican, Pizza, Asian, Diners, and lots more!
50 Things to Do With Bay Area Kids When School Is Out
Wondering what to do when school is out? Take one of these 50 fantastic Bay Area ideas and build your day around it.
Halloween Events for East Bay Kids
Fun and safe Halloween events and activities for kids in Oakland, Berkeley, and surrounding areas.
[Online Only] Free Drop-in Craft Projects at Michaels Stores
Join a free kid-friendly weekend craft session at Michael's in San Leandro, Emeryville, Alameda, or Pinole. Usually in a seasonal theme.
Drive-Through Coffee = Rookie Parents’ BFF
Iced or hot, drive-through coffee is a parent's best friend. But you have to know where to look. The East Bay hides them away.
Favorite Bay Area Donuts and Doughnuts
From El Cerrito to Downtown Oakland to San Francisco, here are our favorite Bay Area donuts (and doughnuts!)
25 Places to Take Preschoolers in the East Bay – Indoors
Places to take East Bay toddlers and preschoolers: Bay Area destinations for younger kids featuring amazing indoor play spaces and museums.
Swimming Lessons for East Bay Kids
Let's talk about swim lessons. Here are your East Bay swimming pools that will help teach your child how to swim, arranged roughly from South ...
Soak Up the Summer Solstice in the East Bay
Seek out the summer solstice on Wednesday, June 21 in Oakland. Soak in the daylight, salute the sun, play outside.
Pinole Park Profile: Fernandez Park
Fernandez Park has a fenced-in tot lot, big kid playground, ducks, expansive greenspace, basketball court, baseball field, and paved trails to roll on.