Favorite Places to Play a Round of Golf With Kids in the East Bay - 510 Families
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Favorite Places to Play a Round of Golf With Kids in the East Bay

Some kids only have the attention span for a round of miniature golf, but my older kids like the real deal. Many local courses offer Par 3, and most public courses even have driving ranges too where you can practice hitting ball after ball.

Par 3 is a 9-hole course and can take about 90 minutes to complete, so it is a perfect activity when you need to get out of the home to enjoy the outdoors!

kids golfing
My kids started golfing when they were about 6 years old | Photo: Carol Burton

Here are our Favorite Places to play Par 3 Golf in the East Bay

Montclair Golf Course driving range with kids and teens with mask
Montclair Golf Course driving range can keep them busy a long time | Photo: Carol Burton

Montclair Golf Course, Oakland

Located off of Park Blvd in Oakland (near that adorable troll hike). We start by hitting a bucket of balls first off the top deck of the driving range then we enjoy the Par 3 Course. During the summer, Blackberry bushes line the boundaries of the course. Website >

Corica Park, Alameda

Corica Park is located in Alameda on Bay Farm Island. It has a well-kept Par 3 Course. We often plan a quick stop at the Alameda South Shore Center afterward for a lunch pickup. Website >

Lake Chabot Golf Course, Oakland

Situated in the Oakland Hills with stunning panoramic views, we love Lake Chabot Par 3 Course because it’s a bit more advanced. You may even see a deer on the course. Also offering a 36-hole disc course if you want to mix it up. Website >

Honorable Mention Golf for Families

Pro tip: You can play just 9 holes of these 18-hole courses if you don’t have the stamina for the full main course.

Monarch Bay Golf Club, San Leandro (also offers footgolf) Website >
Tilden Park Golf Course, Berkeley Website >

Youth on Course is a great program to sign up for which will enable your young golfer, ages 6 to 18, to play a round of golf for less than $5 at nearby courses.

Things to Bring to a Par 3 Course

Come prepared with sun protection and hydration.

  • Hat and Sunscreen
  • Water (and a super tiny, discreet pocket full of snacks)
  • Extra Golf Balls and Tees
  • Golf Clubs (of course)

Pro tip: Poison Oak can often line the Par 3 Courses, so be aware when hunting for a golf ball that goes off course.

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Montclair Golf Course driving range with kids and teens with mask

Favorite Places to Play a Round of Golf With Kids in the East Bay

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